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Book Shelf


Author Membership

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You book(s) is published and you have been going it alone trying to get book signing gigs, posting on social media, running your website, but sales just are there or you just aren’t meeting the right people. Do you wish you belonged to an organization that didn’t charge you to be a member, or to go to book signing events. Join Connecticut Book Festivals and find the author community you’ve been searching for. Original, Creative, Fun, Free Memberships, and more then just book signing events.

We're more than just another book signing organization.


Membership is always free. We want to help you!


We never charge you to participate at our events as a member. 


We have years expereince in the author world and offer many creative resources to our members. 

Associate Membership

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Are you working on becoming a Connecticut published author and want to know what the world of a published author is like? Do you want to start Networking with published authors and learn some of the wisdom they have to share? Do you what help to learn ways to get your book out in the world? Then Connecticut Book Festivals’ FREE Associate Membership is perfect! Become an ASSOCIATE MEMBER today! Just click the button below and fill out the form.

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